Conseil des écoles fransaskoises

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Admission Process for Saskatchewan's Francophone Schools

Minimum Age Eligibility Chart​

 Grade levelAge and date requirement for admission
Prekindergarten 4: the child will be 4 by December 31st of the school year.
Kindergarten: the child will be 5 on or before December 31st of the school year.
Grades 1 and 2 the child is assigned to the grade level that normally corresponds to his/her age.

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Admission process for "right-holders"

Where a "rights-holder" files an application for admission to a school operated by the Conseil des écoles fransaskoises (CÉF), the following steps must be taken:   

  1. Schedule an appointment with the principal;
  2. Determine with the school in your area whether you live within the school attendance area;
  3. Fill out the pdfE-1 form (b) Request for assignment to a school region (available in French only), if the family lives outside the zone;
  4. Download the PDF forms below (available in French only), fill them and email them to the address listed on the form:

For your meeting at school, do not forget to bring:   

  • your child's birth certificate;
  • the child's health card (if you have one);
  • your child's immunization record;
  • your child's report card if he or she is already attending school.

Request for admission permission

When someone who is not a "right-holder" requests authorization to be considered for admission at a CÉF school, the following steps must be followed:   


Download the forms in PDF, fill them out and email them to the address listed on the form:

Please, contact the school for more information on admission procedure.