Conseil des écoles fransaskoises

  • 2016-2021 Strategic Plan
    2016-2021 Strategic Plan

    Download the Conseil des Écoles Fransaskoises' 2016-2021 Strategic Plan (available in French only) and familiarize yourself with the foundation, orientations and desired strategic results.

  • Contact directory
    Contact directory

    Please consult the alphabetical directory listings of Conseil des Écoles Fransaskoises team members to quickly access our staff and the resources you need.

  • School transportation
    School transportation

    CÉF offers free school transportation to eligible students. To find out more about the service offer or to submit a transportation request, please consult the information pertaining to this important aspect of school life.


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  • Kassandra Hipkins

    Kassandra Hipkins
    It just seems different than all the other schools. Our school is one of the smaller schools. We are all friends. We are one big family. I am happy there, pretty good school.
  • Jolanta Bird

    Jolanta Bird
    My parents always wanted me to go to a French school. I kind of didn't like it at first because all my friends were going to English schools, but now I love it. I think it's cool!
  • Naya Petit-Homme

    Naya Petit-Homme
    It is really important because it is a part of who I am. In my father's family, they speak a lot of French. It really goes along with the family.