A minority francophone school board whose establishments are scattered to the four corners of a province must be innovative to deliver educational services to students in a frugal fiscal environment. How does the CÉF go about it?
Francophone identity construction in minority communities
Why it matters and how do teachers go about it? Promoting personal and social development with each Francophone student so that they are able to define and recognize themselves as Francophone is a complex and multi-faceted process.
CÉF Community partnerships promote student achievement
Year after year, dozens of partnerships with local and provincial community organizations are nurtured within the CÉF. These partnerships enrich educational programming in schools and promote student achievement.
Why choose a teaching career in a minority Francophone school board?
The question arises frequently. The answers are many, but it often comes down to a personal and professional commitment to language, culture and community engagement in a demographic setting where preventing assimilation is a daily struggle.
"Francophone bubble" activities promote solidarity and nurture belonging in the francophone community
Activities such as CÉFOU, Fransaskois Law Day, Fransaskois Youth Leadership Workshops and CÉF Games are activities that play a key role in instilling a sense of belonging to the francophone community. These "bubbles" allow CÉF Francophone students to get together and network in an educational setting.