Getting hired in Saskatchewan's Francophone educational environment
The Conseil des écoles fransaskoises is seeking rare gems who will take to heart the education of young Fransaskois students. We often are also looking for non-teaching staff to support us in our approach. If your expectations are high, if you enjoy new challenges, if you want to explore new horizons, if you want to make a difference, your mission awaits you.
When a position opens up, there is an internal posting for a period of 5 working days . If the position is not filled, then it is advertized in newspapers, the CÉF website, through universities and elsewhere.
Apply Online
To apply online, simply send your resume - French version - with three references to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Be sure to include the title of the position for which you are applying and the relevant reference number. Resumes will be kept for a period of one year. Beyond this period, the candidate will need to reapply.
Teachers wishing to apply for a position at the CÉF
Teachers seeking employment with CÉF may also register online by clicking on apply to education to complete an electronic application.