Please note this information is meant to be forwarded to our transportation providers who are often English speaking only. We appreciate if can you write in English as it will save us the task of translation.
For school transportation, students are allowed a maximum of two addresses.
If possible, please write in English because some drivers are English speaking.
The CÉF invites parents to contact their school bus service provider and / or driver directly to ensure an effective response to their specific needs.
In order to register a new service request or to make a change and / or update to the service, or to share / modify the contact information, the parents must complete and submit the school transportation request form to the CÉF.
The CÉF will provide the information to the appropriate service provider.
Changes communicated to the service provider before:
Votre demande a bien été acheminée. Pour toute information supplémentaire, veuillez contacter directement le service des transports par courriel à:
Your request has been received. For more information, please contact directly our transportation services by email at: