Conseil des écoles fransaskoises

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What's the difference between Core French, Immersion French, and Francophone French?

Core French is a course offered by English-language school divisions for individuals who wish to learn basic French skills. Immersion…

Core French is a course offered by English-language school divisions for individuals who wish to learn basic French skills.

Immersion French is a program offered by English-language school divisions for individuals who wish to learn French as a second language. The administration, all communications to parents and the general daily routine of the schooltake place in English.

Francophone education is a French-language program offered entirely in French, with the exception of the English Language Arts course offered beginning in Grade 4. In a CÉF school, French is used as a daily learning and communication tool in every facet of life. All correspondence, report cards, parent teacher interviews, committee and school council meetings are in French.

While students live their French culture every day in a fransaskois school, they graduate with a high level of bilingualism which will open doors to postsecondary education or a career in the language of their choice. When they obtain their diploma, graduates are well prepared, as responsible, bilingual and accomplished citizens, to follow their dreams in either official langage, or both!

Remember: Students who attend French-language schools demonstrate a much more effective and sustainable bilingualism.

If you have further questions, feel free to contact us at our toll free number: 1-877-273-6661 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

What does "Fransaskois" mean?

Fransaskois is a noun used to refer to the Francophone people of Saskatchewan. It can also be used as an…

Fransaskois is a noun used to refer to the Francophone people of Saskatchewan. It can also be used as an adjective, meaning "of, or pertaining to the Francophone people of Saskatchewan".

What is a right-holder?

A right holder is a parent who meets one of the following criteria: whose first language is French and who…

A right holder is a parent who meets one of the following criteria:

  • whose first language is French and who still understands French
  • who received an elementary education in French or
  • whose child has received or is receiving an education in French at the elementary or secondary level.

Keep in mind that all children of French Heritage are welcome to attend CÉF schools. Immigrants are also eligible to apply.

In some cases, non right-holders can also gain access to a Francophone education for their children. Requests for admission by non right-holders will be considered by the Conseil scolaire fransaskois upon recommendation by your local school’s Conseil d’école.

Contact your local school for more information.

What if I don't speak or write French? How can I help my child with schoolwork?

Non French-speaking parents sometimes wonder how they can help their children with homework in a French-language school. Although most children…

Non French-speaking parents sometimes wonder how they can help their children with homework in a French-language school. Although most children will only require a quiet space to work and some encouragement, there are also plenty of other things parents can do to help.

What if my children speak little or no French?

If either parent (or both) is a right-holder, you are eligible to send your child to a Francophone school even…
  • If either parent (or both) is a right-holder, you are eligible to send your child to a Francophone school even though he or she does not speak French. (In some cases, non right-holders can be granted admission to Francophone schools. Call to see if you qualify).
  • The CÉF offers specialized services to these children and their families through a specially designed francization program.
  • There is no need to worry. Our program is designed to help children rapidly build their capacity to communicate effectively in French. But the earlier your child starts learning in French, the easier and faster he or she will absorb the information.